1. Siegel RL, Miller KD, Fuchs HE, Jemal A. Cancer statistics, 2022. CA Cancer J Clin 2022;72:7-33. |
Review/Other-Dx |
N/A |
Cancer statistics. |
Each year, the American Cancer Society estimates the numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in the United States and compiles the most recent data on population-based cancer occurrence and outcomes. Incidence data (through 2018) were collected by the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program; the National Program of Cancer Registries; and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries. Mortality data (through 2019) were collected by the National Center for Health Statistics. In 2022, 1,918,030 new cancer cases and 609,360 cancer deaths are projected to occur in the United States, including approximately 350 deaths per day from lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer death. Incidence during 2014 through 2018 continued a slow increase for female breast cancer (by 0.5% annually) and remained stable for prostate cancer, despite a 4% to 6% annual increase for advanced disease since 2011. Consequently, the proportion of prostate cancer diagnosed at a distant stage increased from 3.9% to 8.2% over the past decade. In contrast, lung cancer incidence continued to decline steeply for advanced disease while rates for localized-stage increased suddenly by 4.5% annually, contributing to gains both in the proportion of localized-stage diagnoses (from 17% in 2004 to 28% in 2018) and 3-year relative survival (from 21% to 31%). Mortality patterns reflect incidence trends, with declines accelerating for lung cancer, slowing for breast cancer, and stabilizing for prostate cancer. In summary, progress has stagnated for breast and prostate cancers but strengthened for lung cancer, coinciding with changes in medical practice related to cancer screening and/or treatment. More targeted cancer control interventions and investment in improved early detection and treatment would facilitate reductions in cancer mortality. |
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2. Gierada DS, Black WC, Chiles C, Pinsky PF, Yankelevitz DF. Low-Dose CT Screening for Lung Cancer: Evidence from 2 Decades of Study. [Review]. Radiol Imaging Cancer. 2(2):e190058, 2020 03 27. |
Review/Other-Dx |
N/A |
To provide an overview of the of the low dose CT screening for Lung Cancer. |
No results stated in the abstract |
4 |
3. National Lung Screening Trial Research Team, Aberle DR, Adams AM, et al. Reduced lung-cancer mortality with low-dose computed tomographic screening. N Engl J Med. 365(5):395-409, 2011 Aug 04. |
Observational-Dx |
53,454 persons |
To determine whether screening with low-dose computed tomography (CT) could reduce mortality from lung cancer. |
The rate of adherence to screening was more than 90%. The rate of positive screening tests was 24.2% with low-dose CT and 6.9% with radiography over all three rounds. A total of 96.4% of the positive screening results in the low-dose CT group and 94.5% in the radiography group were false positive results. The incidence of lung cancer was 645 cases per 100,000 person-years (1060 cancers) in the low-dose CT group, as compared with 572 cases per 100,000 person-years (941 cancers) in the radiography group (rate ratio, 1.13; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.03 to 1.23). There were 247 deaths from lung cancer per 100,000 person-years in the low-dose CT group and 309 deaths per 100,000 person-years in the radiography group, representing a relative reduction in mortality from lung cancer with low-dose CT screening of 20.0% (95% CI, 6.8 to 26.7; P=0.004). The rate of death from any cause was reduced in the low-dose CT group, as compared with the radiography group, by 6.7% (95% CI, 1.2 to 13.6; P=0.02). |
3 |
4. Becker N, Motsch E, Trotter A, et al. Lung cancer mortality reduction by LDCT screening-Results from the randomized German LUSI trial. Int J Cancer. 146(6):1503-1513, 2020 03 15. |
Experimental-Dx |
4,052 |
To discuss the randomized German LUSI trial of the Lung cancer mortality reduction by LDCT. |
The German Lung cancer Screening Intervention (LUSI) is a randomized trial among 4,052 long-term smokers, 50-69 years of age, recruited from the general population, comparing five annual rounds of LDCT screening (screening arm; n = 2,029 participants) with a control arm (n = 2,023) followed by annual postal questionnaire inquiries. Data on lung cancer incidence and mortality and vital status were collected from hospitals or office-based physicians, cancer registries, population registers and health offices. Over an average observation time of 8.8 years after randomization, the hazard ratio for lung cancer mortality was 0.74 (95% CI: 0.46-1.19; p = 0.21) among men and women combined. Modeling by sex, however showed a statistically significant reduction in lung cancer mortality among women (HR = 0.31 [95% CI: 0.10-0.96], p = 0.04), but not among men (HR = 0.94 [95% CI: 0.54-1.61], p = 0.81) screened by LDCT (pheterogeneity = 0.09). Findings from LUSI are in line with those from other trials, including NLST, that suggest a stronger reduction of lung cancer mortality after LDCT screening among women as compared to men. This heterogeneity could be the result of different relative counts of lung tumor subtypes occurring in men and women. |
1 |
5. Field JK, Baldwin DR, Devaraj A, Oudkerk M. EUPS-argues that lung cancer screening should be implemented in 18 months. Br J Radiol. 91(1090):20180243, 2018 Oct. |
Review/Other-Dx |
N/A |
To examine the current evidence which supports the planning for the implementation of lung cancer screening, as well as areas which require further work. |
No results stated in the abstract |
4 |
6. Leleu O, Basille D, Auquier M, et al. Lung Cancer Screening by Low-Dose CT Scan: Baseline Results of a French Prospective Study. CLIN LUNG CANCER. 21(2):145-152, 2020 03. |
Observational-Dx |
1307 patients |
To assess the feasibility of a lung cancer screening program using LD CT scan in a French administrative territory. |
Over a 2.5-year period, 1307 subjects were recruited. Screening was negative in 733 cases (77.2%), positive in 54 (5.7%), and indeterminate in 162 (17.1%). After the 3-month scans, 57 subjects screened positive: 26 patients exhibited 31 lung cancers (67.7% of stage 0 to I), of whom 76.9% underwent surgical resection, and 29 had no cancer (false-positive rate = 3.1%). The prevalence of lung cancer was 2.7%. |
2 |
7. Paci E, Puliti D, Lopes Pegna A, et al. Mortality, survival and incidence rates in the ITALUNG randomised lung cancer screening trial. Thorax. 72(9):825-831, 2017 09. |
Experimental-Dx |
1613 patients |
To discuss the mortality, survival and incidence rates in the ITALUNG randomised lung cancer screening trial. |
1613 subjects were randomly assigned to the active group and 1593 to the control group. At the end of the follow-up period 67 LC cases were diagnosed in the active group and 71 in the control group (rate ratio (RR)=0.93; 95% CI 0.67 to 1.30). A greater proportion of stage I LC was observed in the active group (36% vs 11%, p<0.001). Non-significant reductions of 17% (RR=0.83; 95% CI 0.67 to 1.03) for overall mortality and 30% (RR=0.70; 95% CI 0.47 to 1.03) for LC-specific mortality were estimated. |
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8. Pastorino U, Sverzellati N, Sestini S, et al. Ten-year results of the Multicentric Italian Lung Detection trial demonstrate the safety and efficacy of biennial lung cancer screening. Eur J Cancer. 118:142-148, 2019 09. |
Experimental-Dx |
2376 patients |
To evaluate the long-term results of annual vs. biennial low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) and the impact of screening intensity on overall and lung cancer (LC)-specific mortality at 10 years. |
The biennial LDCT arm showed a similar overall mortality (hazard ratio [HR] 0.80, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.57-1.12) and LC-specific mortality at 10 years (HR 1.10, 95% CI 0.59-2.05), as compared with the annual LDCT arm. Biennial screening saved 44% of follow-up LDCTs in subjects with negative baseline LDCT, and 38% of LDCTs in all participants, with no increase in the occurrence of stage II-IV or interval LCs. |
2 |
9. Sadate A, Occean BV, Beregi JP, et al. Systematic review and meta-analysis on the impact of lung cancer screening by low-dose computed tomography. Eur J Cancer. 134:107-114, 2020 07. |
Meta-analysis |
7 articles (84,558 patients) |
To perform a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the efficacy of screening by LDCT compared with any other intervention in populations who reported tobacco consumption for more than 15 years on LC and overall mortality. |
Seven RCTs were included in the meta-analysis which corresponds to 84,558 participants. A significant relative reduction of LC-specific mortality of 17% (risk ratio [RR] = 0.83, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.76-0.91) and a relative reduction of overall mortality of 4% (RR = 0.96, 95% CI: 0.92-1.00) was observed in the screening group compared with the control group. |
Good |
10. Yang W, Qian F, Teng J, et al. Community-based lung cancer screening with low-dose CT in China: Results of the baseline screening. Lung Cancer. 117:20-26, 2018 03. |
Observational-Dx |
6717 patients |
To investigate whether low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening is capable of enhancing the detection rate of early-stage lung cancer in high-risk population of China with both smoking and non-smoking related factors. |
A total of 6717 eligible participants were randomly enrolled to a study group (3550 to LDCT screening and 3167 to standard care). 3512 participants (98.9%) underwent LDCT screening, and 3145 participants (99.3%) received questionnaire inquiries. A positive screening result was observed in 804 participants (22.9%). In the two-year follow-up period, lung cancer was detected in 51 participants (1.5%) in the LDCT group versus 10 (0.3%) in the control group (stage I: 48 vs 2; stage II to IV or limited stage: 3 vs 8), respectively. Early-stage lung cancer was found in 94.1% vs 20%, respectively. |
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11. Kastner J, Hossain R, Jeudy J, et al. Lung-RADS Version 1.0 versus Lung-RADS Version 1.1: Comparison of Categories Using Nodules from the National Lung Screening Trial. Radiology. 300(1):199-206, 2021 07. |
Observational-Dx |
2813 patients |
To determine the frequency of PFNs and GGNs reclassified from category 3 or 4A to the more benign category 2 in the updated Lung-RADS version 1.1, as compared with Lung-RADS version 1.0, using CT scans from the NLST. |
A total of 2813 patients (mean age ± standard deviation, 62 years ± 5; 1717 men) with 4408 NCNs were studied. Of the largest 1092 solid NCNs measuring at least 6 mm but less than 10 mm, 216 (19.8%) were deemed PFNs (category 2) using Lung-RADS version 1.1. Eleven of the 1092 solid NCNs (1.0%) were malignant, but none were PFNs. Of 161 GGNs, three (1.9%) were category 3 according to Lung-RADS version 1.0, of which two (66.7%) were down-classified to category 2 with version 1.1. One of the three down-categorized GGNs (version 1.1) proved to be malignant (false-negative finding). Statistically significant improvement for Lung-RADS version 1.1 was found for total nodules (P < .01) and PFNs (P < .01), but not GGNs (P = .48). |
2 |
12. US Preventive Services Task Force, Krist AH, Davidson KW, et al. Screening for Lung Cancer: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. JAMA. 325(10):962-970, 2021 Mar 09. |
Review/Other-Dx |
N/A |
To update its 2013 recommendation, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) commissioned a systematic review on the accuracy of screening for lung cancer with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) and on the benefits and harms of screening for lung cancer and commissioned a collaborative modeling study to provide information about the optimum age at which to begin and end screening, the optimal screening interval, and the relative benefits and harms of different screening strategies compared with modified versions of multivariate risk prediction models. |
The USPSTF recommends annual screening for lung cancer with LDCT in adults aged 50 to 80 years who have a 20 pack-year smoking history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years. Screening should be discontinued once a person has not smoked for 15 years or develops a health problem that substantially limits life expectancy or the ability or willingness to have curative lung surgery. (B recommendation) This recommendation replaces the 2013 USPSTF statement that recommended annual screening for lung cancer with LDCT in adults aged 55 to 80 years who have a 30 pack-year smoking history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years. |
4 |
13. Lim LS. In high-risk adults aged 50 to 80 y, USPSTF recommends annual lung cancer screening with LDCT (moderate certainty). Ann Intern Med. 174(8):JC86, 2021 08. |
Review/Other-Dx |
N/A |
To comment on the review of the USPSTF recommendations for the annual lung cancer screening with LDCT (moderate certainty) |
No results stated in the abstract. |
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14. Jonas DE, Reuland DS, Reddy SM, et al. Screening for Lung Cancer With Low-Dose Computed Tomography: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force. JAMA. 325(10):971-987, 2021 03 09. |
Review/Other-Dx |
223 articles |
To review the evidence on screening for lung cancer with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) to inform the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). |
This review included 223 publications. Seven randomized clinical trials (RCTs) (N = 86 486) evaluated lung cancer screening with LDCT; the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST, N = 53 454) and Nederlands-Leuvens Longkanker Screenings Onderzoek (NELSON, N = 15 792) were the largest RCTs. Participants were more likely to benefit than the US screening-eligible population (eg, based on life expectancy). The NLST found a reduction in lung cancer mortality (incidence rate ratio [IRR], 0.85 [95% CI, 0.75-0.96]; number needed to screen [NNS] to prevent 1 lung cancer death, 323 over 6.5 years of follow-up) with 3 rounds of annual LDCT screening compared with chest radiograph for high-risk current and former smokers aged 55 to 74 years. NELSON found a reduction in lung cancer mortality (IRR, 0.75 [95% CI, 0.61-0.90]; NNS to prevent 1 lung cancer death of 130 over 10 years of follow-up) with 4 rounds of LDCT screening with increasing intervals compared with no screening for high-risk current and former smokers aged 50 to 74 years. Harms of screening included radiation-induced cancer, false-positive results leading to unnecessary tests and invasive procedures, overdiagnosis, incidental findings, and increases in distress. For every 1000 persons screened in the NLST, false-positive results led to 17 invasive procedures (number needed to harm, 59) and fewer than 1 person having a major complication. Overdiagnosis estimates varied greatly (0%-67% chance that a lung cancer was overdiagnosed). Incidental findings were common, and estimates varied widely (4.4%-40.7% of persons screened). |
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15. Ritzwoller DP, Meza R, Carroll NM, et al. Evaluation of Population-Level Changes Associated With the 2021 US Preventive Services Task Force Lung Cancer Screening Recommendations in Community-Based Health Care Systems. JAMA Netw Open 2021;4:e2128176. |
Review/Other-Dx |
341163 patients |
To estimate the population-level changes associated with the 2021 USPSTF expansion of lung cancer screening eligibility by sex, race and ethnicity, sociodemographic factors, and comorbidities in 5 community-based health care systems. |
As of September 2019, there were 341 163 individuals aged 50 to 80 years who currently or previously smoked. Among these, 34 528 had electronic health record data that captured pack-year and quit-date information and were eligible for lung cancer screening according to the 2013 USPSTF recommendations. The 2021 USPSTF recommendations expanded screening eligibility to 18 533 individuals, representing a 53.7% increase. Compared with the 2013 cohort, the newly eligible 2021 population included 5833 individuals (31.5%) aged 50 to 54 years, a larger proportion of women (52.0% [n = 9631]), and more racial or ethnic minority groups. The relative increases in the proportion of newly eligible individuals were 60.6% for Asian, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander; 67.4% for Hispanic; 69.7% for non-Hispanic Black; and 49.0% for non-Hispanic White groups. The relative increase for women was 13.8% higher than for men (61.2% vs 47.4%), and those with a lower comorbidity burden and lower SES had higher relative increases (eg, 68.7% for a Charlson Comorbidity Index score of 0; 61.1% for lowest SES). The 2021 recommendations were associated with an estimated 30% increase in incident lung cancer diagnoses compared with the 2013 recommendations. |
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16. Reese TJ, Schlechter CR, Potter LN, et al. Evaluation of Revised US Preventive Services Task Force Lung Cancer Screening Guideline Among Women and Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations. JAMA Netw Open 2021;4:e2033769. |
Review/Other-Dx |
40 869 patients |
To reflect current evidence, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has revised the eligibility criteria, which may help to ameliorate sex- and race/ethnicity-related disparities in lung cancer screening. |
Among 40 869 respondents aged 50 to 80 years with a smoking history, 21 265 (52.0%) were women, 3430 (8.4%) were Black, and 1226 (30.0%) were Hispanic (mean [SD] age, 65.6 [7.9] years). The revised criteria increased eligibility for the following populations: men (29.4% to 38.3% [8.9% difference]; P < .001), women (25.9% to 36.4% [10.5% difference]; P < .001), White individuals (31.1% to 40.9% [9.8% difference]; P < .001), Black individuals (16.3% to 28.8% [12.5% difference]; P < .001), and Hispanic individuals (10.5% to 18.7% [8.2% difference]; P < .001). The odds of eligibility were lower for women compared with men (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 0.88; 95% CI, 0.79-0.99; P = .04) and for Black (AOR, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.33-0.56; P < .001) and Hispanic populations (AOR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.62-0.80; P < .001) compared with the White population. |
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17. American College of Radiology. ACR–STR Practice Parameter for the Performance and Reporting of Lung Cancer Screening Thoracic Computed Tomography (CT). Available at: https://gravitas.acr.org/PPTS/GetDocumentView?docId=38+&releaseId=2 |
Review/Other-Dx |
N/A |
To discuss Practice Parameter for the Performance and Reporting of Lung Cancer Screening Thoracic Computed Tomography |
No results stated in the abstract |
4 |
18. de Koning HJ, van der Aalst CM, de Jong PA, et al. Reduced Lung-Cancer Mortality with Volume CT Screening in a Randomized Trial. N Engl J Med. 382(6):503-513, 2020 02 06. |
Experimental-Dx |
15,789 patients |
To obtain data on cancer diagnosis and the date and cause of death through linkages with national registries in the Netherlands and Belgium, and a review committee confirmed lung cancer as the cause of death when possible. |
Among men, the average adherence to CT screening was 90.0%. On average, 9.2% of the screened participants underwent at least one additional CT scan (initially indeterminate). The overall referral rate for suspicious nodules was 2.1%. At 10 years of follow-up, the incidence of lung cancer was 5.58 cases per 1000 person-years in the screening group and 4.91 cases per 1000 person-years in the control group; lung-cancer mortality was 2.50 deaths per 1000 person-years and 3.30 deaths per 1000 person-years, respectively. The cumulative rate ratio for death from lung cancer at 10 years was 0.76 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.61 to 0.94; P = 0.01) in the screening group as compared with the control group, similar to the values at years 8 and 9. Among women, the rate ratio was 0.67 (95% CI, 0.38 to 1.14) at 10 years of follow-up, with values of 0.41 to 0.52 in years 7 through 9. |
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19. Yousaf-Khan U, van der Aalst C, de Jong PA, et al. Final screening round of the NELSON lung cancer screening trial: the effect of a 2.5-year screening interval. Thorax. 72(1):48-56, 2017 01. |
Observational-Dx |
7915 patients |
To provide results of the fourth screening round after a 2.5-year interval in the Dutch-Belgian Lung Cancer Screening trial (NELSON). |
In round 4, 46 cancers were screen-detected and there were 28 interval cancers between the third and fourth screenings. Compared with the second round screening (1-year interval), in round 4 a higher proportion of stage IIIb/IV cancers (17.3% vs 6.8%, p=0.02) and higher proportions of squamous-cell, bronchoalveolar and small-cell carcinomas (p=0.001) were detected. Compared with a 2-year interval, the 2.5-year interval showed a higher non-significant stage distribution (stage IIIb/IV 17.3% vs 5.2%, p=0.10). Additionally, more interval cancers manifested in the 2.5-year interval than in the intervals of previous rounds (28 vs 5 and 28 vs 19). |
2 |
20. Kavanagh J, Liu G, Menezes R, et al. Importance of Long-term Low-Dose CT Follow-up after Negative Findings at Previous Lung Cancer Screening. Radiology. 289(1):218-224, 2018 10. |
Observational-Dx |
327 patients |
To assess the incidence of lung cancer in a cohort of patients with negative findings at previous lung cancer screening. |
A total of 327 study participants were contacted, and 200 subjects participated in this study. The average age was 74 years (range, 57-88 years), and the median time since previous CT was 7 years. The incidence rate of developing lung cancer during the next 6 years was estimated at 5.6%. The period prevalence of lung cancer was 20.8% (new and preexisting lung cancer, 68 of total cohort of 327). The detection rate of low-dose CT was 7% (14 of 200 subjects). Of the 14 screening-detected cancers, 12 were stage I or II. Conclusion High-risk individuals have a high incidence of lung cancer after previous negative lung cancer screening. Early-stage lung cancer can be successfully detected in older high-risk individuals. © RSNA, 2018 Online supplemental material is available for this article. |
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21. Meza R, Jeon J, Toumazis I, et al. Evaluation of the Benefits and Harms of Lung Cancer Screening With Low-Dose Computed Tomography: Modeling Study for the US Preventive Services Task Force. JAMA. 325(10):988-997, 2021 03 09. |
Review/Other-Dx |
N/A |
To inform the USPSTF guidelines by estimating the benefits and harms associated with various low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening strategies. |
Efficient screening programs estimated to yield the most benefits for a given number of screenings were identified. Most of the efficient risk factor-based strategies started screening at aged 50 or 55 years and stopped at aged 80 years. The 2013 USPSTF-recommended criteria were not among the efficient strategies for the 1960 US birth cohort. Annual strategies with a minimum criterion of 20 pack-years of smoking were efficient and, compared with the 2013 USPSTF-recommended criteria, were estimated to increase screening eligibility (20.6%-23.6% vs 14.1% of the population ever eligible), lung cancer deaths averted (469-558 per 100 000 vs 381 per 100 000), and life-years gained (6018-7596 per 100 000 vs 4882 per 100 000). However, these strategies were estimated to result in more false-positive test results (1.9-2.5 per person screened vs 1.9 per person screened with the USPSTF strategy), overdiagnosed lung cancer cases (83-94 per 100 000 vs 69 per 100 000), and radiation-related lung cancer deaths (29.0-42.5 per 100 000 vs 20.6 per 100 000). Risk model-based vs risk factor-based strategies were estimated to be associated with more benefits and fewer radiation-related deaths but more overdiagnosed cases. |
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22. Annangi S, Nutalapati S, Foreman MG, Pillai R, Flenaugh EL. Potential Racial Disparities Using Current Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 6(1):22-26, 2019 02. |
Observational-Dx |
N/A |
To hypothesize that implementation of screening at age 55 would not detect a substantial fraction of early onset lung cancer cases in African American population. |
468,403 lung cancers were diagnosed during this period. Nearly 9% of all lung cancers were early onset, with increased frequency in African Americans vs. Whites, 14.2 vs. 8.2%, p < 0.05. Age-adjusted incidence rates were significantly higher in African Americans with highest percent difference noted for age group 50-54. African Americans were more likely to be diagnosed at advanced stages of lung cancer compared to Whites. |
2 |
23. Japuntich SJ, Krieger NH, Salvas AL, Carey MP. Racial Disparities in Lung Cancer Screening: An Exploratory Investigation. J Natl Med Assoc. 110(5):424-427, 2018 Oct. |
Review/Other-Dx |
146 patients |
To investigate LCS utilization and explored racial disparities (Black vs. non-Black) in LCS among patients for whom LCS is clinically indicated. |
Nearly three-quarters (n = 146, 73%) completed the survey and, of survey respondents, 92% (n = 134) were eligible for the study. Among eligible patients, 35% met criteria for LCS; non-Black patients were 90% more likely to meet criteria for LCS than Black patients (44% vs. 27%). Of the patients meeting USPSTF criteria, only 21% reported being screened; eligible non-Black patients were 2.8 times more likely to have had LCS than eligible Black patients (30% vs. 12%). |
4 |
24. Li CC, Matthews AK, Rywant MM, Hallgren E, Shah RC. Racial disparities in eligibility for low-dose computed tomography lung cancer screening among older adults with a history of smoking. Cancer Causes Control. 30(3):235-240, 2019 Mar. |
Observational-Dx |
7,348 patients |
To examine whether current screening guidelines may disproportionately exclude African American smokers who are at higher overall risk for lung cancer. |
Overall, 21.1% of current and 10.5% of former smokers met USPSTF's eligibility criteria for LDCT screening. In multivariate logistic regression analyses, African American smokers were less likely to be eligible for LDCT lung cancer screening compared to Whites (odds ratio = 0.5; p < 0.001). |
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25. Aldrich MC, Mercaldo SF, Sandler KL, Blot WJ, Grogan EL, Blume JD. Evaluation of USPSTF Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines Among African American Adult Smokers. JAMA Oncol 2019;5:1318-24. |
Observational-Dx |
48,364 patients |
To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of USPSTF lung cancer screening eligibility criteria in a predominantly African American and low-income cohort. |
Among 48 364 ever smokers, 32 463 (67%) were African American and 15 901 (33%) were white, with 1269 incident lung cancers identified. Among all 48 364 Southern Community Cohort Study participants, 5654 of 32 463 African American smokers (17%) were eligible for USPSTF screening compared with 4992 of 15 901 white smokers (31%) (P < .001). Among persons diagnosed with lung cancer, a significantly lower percentage of African American smokers (255 of 791; 32%) was eligible for screening compared with white smokers (270 of 478; 56%) (P < .001). The lower percentage of eligible lung cancer cases in African American smokers was primarily associated with fewer smoking pack-years among African American vs white smokers (median pack-years: 25.8 [interquartile range, 16.9-42.0] vs 48.0 [interquartile range, 30.2-70.5]; P < .001). Racial disparity was observed in the sensitivity and specificity of USPSTF guidelines between African American and white smokers for all ages. Lowering the smoking pack-year eligibility criteria to a minimum 20-pack-year history was associated with an increased percentage of screening eligibility of African American smokers and with equitable performance of sensitivity and specificity compared with white smokers across all ages (for a 55-year-old current African American smoker, sensitivity increased from 32.2% to 49.0% vs 56.5% for a 55-year-old white current smoker; specificity decreased from 83.0% to 71.6% vs 69.4%; P < .001). |
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26. Schaefferkoetter JD, Yan J, Sjoholm T, et al. Quantitative Accuracy and Lesion Detectability of Low-Dose 18F-FDG PET for Lung Cancer Screening. J Nucl Med. 58(3):399-405, 2017 03. |
Observational-Dx |
20 patients |
To survey detectability of lung cancer lesions, and the findings suggested a lower limit around 10 million true counts for maximizing performance |
No results stated in the abstract. |
2 |
27. Schwyzer M, Ferraro DA, Muehlematter UJ, et al. Automated detection of lung cancer at ultralow dose PET/CT by deep neural networks - Initial results. Lung Cancer. 126:170-173, 2018 12. |
Observational-Dx |
100 patients |
To evaluate whether machine learning may be helpful for the detection of lung cancer in FDG-PET imaging in the setting of ultralow dose PET scans. |
The area under the curve of the deep learning algorithm for lung cancer detection was 0.989, 0.983 and 0.970 for standard dose images (PET100%), and reduced dose PET10%, and PET3.3% reconstruction, respectively. The artificial neural network achieved a sensitivity of 95.9% and 91.5% and a specificity of 98.1% and 94.2%, at standard dose and ultralow dose PET3.3%, respectively. |
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28. Allen BD, Schiebler ML, Sommer G, et al. Cost-effectiveness of lung MRI in lung cancer screening. Eur Radiol. 30(3):1738-1746, 2020 Mar. |
Observational-Dx |
N/A |
To compare the potential screening performance of MRI vs. low-dose CT (LDCT) using a Markov model of lung cancer screening. |
There was no difference in life expectancy between MRI and LDCT screening (males 13.28 vs. 13.29 life-years; females 14.22 vs. 14.22 life-years). MRI had a favorable cost-effectiveness ratio of $258,169 in men and $403,888 in women driven by fewer false-positive screens. On sensitivity analysis, MRI remained cost effective at screening costs < $396 dollars and Sp > 81%. |
2 |
29. Biederer J, Ohno Y, Hatabu H, et al. Screening for lung cancer: Does MRI have a role?. [Review]. Eur J Radiol. 86:353-360, 2017 Jan. |
Review/Other-Dx |
N/A |
To discuss the potential role of lung MRI for the early detection of lung cancer from a technical point of view and to discuss a few of the possible scenarios for lung cancer screening implementation using this imaging modality. |
No results stated in the abstract. |
4 |
30. Meier-Schroers M, Homsi R, Gieseke J, Schild HH, Thomas D. Lung cancer screening with MRI: Evaluation of MRI for lung cancer screening by comparison of LDCT- and MRI-derived Lung-RADS categories in the first two screening rounds. Eur Radiol. 29(2):898-905, 2019 Feb. |
Observational-Dx |
224 patients |
To evaluate MRI for lung cancer screening comparing LDCT- and MRI-derived Lung-RADS categories in the first two screening rounds. |
The early recall rate dropped from 13.8% at baseline to 1.9% in the second screening round with biopsy rates of 3.6% in the first round and 0.5% in the second round. Histology revealed lung cancer in 8/9 participants undergoing biopsy/surgery. All eight cancers were accurately depicted by MRI. The following categories were assigned on MRI (results of LDCT in parentheses): 4B/4X in 10 (10) cases, 4A in 16 (15) cases, 3 in 13 (12) cases, 2 in 77 (92) cases and 1 in 140 (126) cases. Lung-RADS scoring correlated significantly between MRI and CT. The score was overestimated by MRI in one case for category 4A, in two cases for category 3 and in five cases for category 2. MRI-based Lung-RADS score was underestimated for category 1 in 20 cases. |
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31. McKee BJ, Regis S, Borondy-Kitts AK, et al. NCCN Guidelines as a Model of Extended Criteria for Lung Cancer Screening. [Review]. J. Natl. Compr. Cancer Netw.. 16(4):444-449, 2018 Apr. |
Review/Other-Dx |
2,927 patients |
To assess the performance of patients in NCCN high-risk group 2 in a clinical CT lung screening (CTLS) program |
A total of 2,927 individuals underwent baseline screening, of which 698 (24%) were in NCCN group 2. On average, group 2 patients were younger (60.6 vs 63.1 years), smoked less (38.8 vs 50.8 pack-years), had quit longer (18.1 vs 6.3 years), and were more often former smokers (61.4% vs 44.2%). Positive and suspicious examination rates, false negatives, and rates of infectious/inflammatory findings were equivalent in groups 1 and 2 across all rounds of screening. An increased rate of cancer detection was observed in group 2 during the second annual (T2) screening round (2.7% vs 0.5%; P=.005), with no difference in the other screening rounds: baseline (T0; 2% vs 2.3%; P=.61), first annual (T1; 1.2% vs 1.7%; P=.41), and third annual and beyond (=T3; 1.2% vs 1.1%; P=1.00). |
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32. Henderson LM, Durham DD, Tammemagi MC, Benefield T, Marsh MW, Rivera MP. Lung Cancer Screening With Low Dose Computed Tomography in Patients With and Without Prior History of Cancer in the National Lung Screening Trial. J Thorac Oncol. 16(6):980-989, 2021 06. |
Observational-Dx |
1071 patients |
To compare the performance metrics of positive screening rates and cancer detection rates (CDRs) among those with versus without prior history of cancer (PHC). |
A total of 4.1% (n = 1071) of patients had PHC. Age-adjusted rates of positive findings were similar in those with versus without PHC (Baseline: PHC = 13.7% versus no PHC = 13.3%, RR [95% confidence interval (CI)]: 1.04 [0.88-1.24]; Subsequent: PHC = 5.6% versus no PHC = 5.5%, RR [95% CI]: 1.02 [0.84-1.23]). Age-adjusted CDRs were higher in those with versus without PHC on baseline (PHC=1.9% versus no PHC = 0.8%, RR [95% CI]: 2.51 [1.67-3.81]) but not on subsequent screenings (PHC = 0.6% versus no PHC = 0.4%, RR [95% CI]: 1.37 [0.99-1.93]). There were no differences in cancer stage, type, or treatment by PHC status. |
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33. O'Dwyer E, Halpenny DF, Ginsberg MS. Lung cancer screening in patients with previous malignancy: Is this cohort at increased risk for malignancy?. Eur Radiol. 31(1):458-467, 2021 Jan. |
Review/Other-Dx |
543 patients |
To determine the rate of second primary lung cancer (SPLC) and describe the clinical characteristics and radiological findings in individuals with a prior history of cancer presenting to a low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) lung cancer screening program at a tertiary cancer center. |
A total of 543 patients were studied (mean age of 66 years). All had a previous history of cancer, most commonly breast cancer 205 (38%), head and neck cancer 105 (19%), and lung cancer 87 (16%). Of screening CTs performed, 17.5% were positive screening study results as per Lung-RADS scoring system. SPLC was diagnosed in 35 patients (6.4%) with 21 prevalence cancers detected and 14 interval cancers detected in subsequent screening rounds. |
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34. Huang HY, Lu MW, Chen MC, et al. Clinic image surveillance reduces mortality in patients with primary hepato-gastrointestinal cancer who develop second primary lung cancer: A STROBE-compliant retrospective study. Medicine (Baltimore). 99(50):e23440, 2020 Dec 11. |
Observational-Dx |
276 patients |
To investigate the outcome of second primary lung cancer and the factor that improve survival in patients with hepato-GI cancer |
A total of 276 patients with secondary lung cancer were found among 3723 newly-diagnosed lung cancer patients diagnosed in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, between 2010 and 2014. Patients' clinical characteristics, stages and survival were recorded and analyzed. The patients were separated into 2 groups: Group I was defined as lung cancer detected in original primary cancer clinic and group II patients defined as lung cancer detected in other medical places.Sixty-nine cases with primary GI-hepatic and secondary lung cancer were diagnosed (42 (60.8%) in Group I and 27 (39.1%) in Group II). Although both groups had comparable primary cancer stages and treatment, more patients in Group I than Group II were diagnosed as early stage lung cancer (stage I-II: 40.5% vs 11.1%; P = .023). Group II had larger lung tumor sizes than Group I (4.7 vs 3.5 cm; P = .025). Group I showed better 5-year overall survival than Group II (P = .014, median survival: 27 vs 10 months). Among Group II, only 37% had received image follow up in clinic compared with 67% of Group I cases (P = .025). Patients with chest image follow up in clinics also had better 5-year overall survival (P = .043).GI-hepatic cancer was the most common primary malignancy in the lung cancer cohort. Patients had better survival outcome when secondary lung cancer was diagnosed in original primary cancer clinic. Chest image screening strategy may contribute better survival in secondary lung cancer due to detection at an earlier stage. |
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35. Ji G, Bao T, Li Z, et al. Current lung cancer screening guidelines may miss high-risk population: a real-world study. BMC Cancer. 21(1):50, 2021 Jan 11. |
Review/Other-Dx |
15,996 patients |
to determine the proportion of lung cancer cases that have been missed using the current lung cancer screening guidelines to a health examination. population in China |
In a total of 15,996 participants with health examination who completed the baseline screening, 6779 (42.4%) subjects had at least one positive finding, and 142 (2.1%) cases of lung cancer were screened positive. The false positive rate was 97.9%. Of 142 lung cancer cases detected in our study, only 9.2% met the lung cancer screening guidelines proposed by the USPSTF, and 24.4% met that of China. The rates of missed diagnosis were as high as 90.8 and 75.6% respectively. In addition, we did an in-depth analysis by gender. We found that among male patients with lung cancer, the proportion of smokers was 75%, and the proportion of young people under 50 was 23.2%. Among female patients with lung cancer, the proportion of smokers was only 5.8%, and the proportion of young people under 50 was up to 33.3%. |
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36. Barbone F, Barbiero F, Belvedere O, et al. Impact of low-dose computed tomography screening on lung cancer mortality among asbestos-exposed workers. Int J Epidemiol. 47(6):1981-1991, 2018 12 01. |
Observational-Dx |
2433 patients |
To evaluate whether low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening could reduce mortality from lung cancer (LC) in such a high-risk population. |
A reduction in mortality from LC was observed in the LDCT-P group compared with regional and national figures (SMR_FVG = 0.55, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.24-1.09; SMR_ITA = 0.51, 95% CI 0.22-1.01); this was not the case for the LDCT-NP group (SMR_FVG = 2.07, 95% CI 1.53-2.73; SMR_ITA = 1.98, 95% CI 1.47-2.61). A strong reduction in LC mortality was observed for the LDCT-P compared with the LDCT-NP [hazard ratio (HR) = 0.41, 95% CI 0.17-0.96]. Mortality was also reduced for all causes (HR = 0.61, 95% CI 0.44-0.84), but not for all neoplasms (HR = 0.97, 95% CI 0.62-1.50) and MNP (HR = 0.86, 95% CI 0.31-2.41) within the LDCT-P population. |
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37. Markowitz SB, Manowitz A, Miller JA, et al. Yield of Low-Dose Computerized Tomography Screening for Lung Cancer in High-Risk Workers: The Case of 7189 US Nuclear Weapons Workers. Am J Public Health. 108(10):1296-1302, 2018 10. |
Observational-Dx |
7189 patients |
To determine the lung cancer screening yield and stages in a union-sponsored low-dose computerized tomography scan program for nuclear weapons workers with diverse ages, smoking histories, and occupations. |
The proportion with screen-detected lung cancer among smokers aged 50 years or older was 0.83% at baseline and 0.51% on annual scan. Of 80 lung cancers, 59% (n = 47) were stage I, and 10% (n = 8) were stage II. Screening yields of study subpopulations who met the National Lung Screening Trial or the National Comprehensive Cancer Network Group 2 eligibility criteria were similar to those found in the National Lung Screening Trial. |
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38. Kang HR, Cho JY, Lee SH, et al. Role of Low-Dose Computerized Tomography in Lung Cancer Screening among Never-Smokers. Journal of Thoracic Oncology: Official Publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. 14(3):436-444, 2019 03. |
Observational-Dx |
28,807 patients |
To investigate the role of LDCT in lung cancer screening among never-smokers. |
Of the 28,807 enrolled patients, 12,176 were never-smokers; of these patients, 7744 (63.6%) were women and 1218 (10.0%) were found to have lung nodules. Overall, lung cancer was diagnosed in 55 never-smokers (0.45%). In contrast, lung cancer was diagnosed in 143 (0.86%) of the 16,631 ever-smokers. Of the never-smokers with lung cancer, 51 (92.7%) presented with stage I disease, and all patients had adenocarcinomas. |
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39. Kim YW, Kang HR, Kwon BS, et al. Low-dose chest computed tomographic screening and invasive diagnosis of pulmonary nodules for lung cancer in never-smokers. Eur Respir J. 56(5), 2020 11. |
Observational-Dx |
37 436 patients |
To determine the incidence of nodules considered for invasive biopsy and evaluate the final diagnoses and procedure-related complications in never-smokers in comparison to ever-smokers who underwent LDCT screening |
Among the never-smokers, 2908 (16.2%) out of 17 968 had positive nodules. Overall, 139 (0.77%) out of 17 968 never-smokers and 194 (1.00%) out of 19 468 ever-smokers underwent invasive biopsy (p=0.022). Lung cancer was diagnosed in 84 (0.47%) out of 17 968 never-smokers and 123 (0.63%) out of 19 468 ever-smokers (p=0.032). The proportions of participants diagnosed with benign disease after invasive biopsy (false-positive) were 50 (0.28%) out of 17 968 and 69 (0.35%) out of 19 468 in the never-smoker and ever-smoker groups, respectively (p=0.191). Multivariate analyses revealed no significant associations of smoking with the risk of a false-positive diagnosis (OR 0.98, 95% CI 0.62-1.57) and complications (OR 1.33, 95% CI 0.65-3.73) after biopsy. Of the 84 never-smokers with lung cancer, 82 (97.6%) had adenocarcinoma, and 75 (89.3%) were in stage I with a favourable prognosis. |
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40. Lin KF, Wu HF, Huang WC, Tang PL, Wu MT, Wu FZ. Propensity score analysis of lung cancer risk in a population with high prevalence of non-smoking related lung cancer. BMC Pulm Med 2017;17:120. |
Observational-Dx |
784 patients |
To present study was to investigate multiple potential risk factors for nonsmoking-related lung cancer among Asian Ethnic Groups. |
A propensity score-mated cohort analysis was applied to adjust for potential bias and to create two comparable groups according to family history of lung cancer. For our primary analysis, we matched 392 pairs of subjects with family history of lung cancer and subjects without history. Logistic regression showed that female gender and a family history of lung cancer were the two most important predictor of lung cancer in the endemic area with high prevalence of nonsmoking-related lung cancer (OR = 11.199, 95% CI = 1.444-86.862; OR = 2.831, 95% CI = 1.000136-8.015). In addition, the number of nodules was higher in subjects with family history of lung cancer in comparison with subjects without family history of lung cancer (OR = 1.309, 95% CI = 1.066-1.607). |
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41. Wakelee HA, Chang ET, Gomez SL, et al. Lung cancer incidence in never smokers. J Clin Oncol 2007;25:472-8. |
Review/Other-Dx |
N/A |
To review the existing literature on lung cancer incidence and mortality rates among never smokers and present new data regarding rates in never smokers from the following large, prospective cohorts: Nurses' Health Study; Health Professionals Follow-Up Study; California Teachers Study; Multiethnic Cohort Study; Swedish Lung Cancer Register in the Uppsala/Orebro region; and First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Epidemiologic Follow-Up Study. |
Truncated age-adjusted incidence rates of lung cancer among never smokers age 40 to 79 years in these six cohorts ranged from 14.4 to 20.8 per 100,000 person-years in women and 4.8 to 13.7 per 100,000 person-years in men, supporting earlier observations that women are more likely than men to have non-smoking-associated lung cancer. The distinct biology of lung cancer in never smokers is apparent in differential responses to epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors and an increased prevalence of adenocarcinoma histology in never smokers. |
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42. Cufari ME, Proli C, De Sousa P, et al. Increasing frequency of non-smoking lung cancer: Presentation of patients with early disease to a tertiary institution in the UK. Eur J Cancer. 84:55-59, 2017 10. |
Observational-Dx |
2170 patients |
To define the frequency over time and characterise clinical features of never-smokers presenting sufficiently early to determine if it is possible to identify patients at risk. |
A total of 2170 patients underwent resection for lung cancer from March 2008 to November 2014. The annual frequency of developing lung cancer in never-smokers increased from 13% to 28%, attributable to an absolute increase in numbers and not simply a change in the ratio of never-smokers to current and ex-smokers. A total of 436 (20%) patients were never-smokers. The mean age was 60 (16 SD) years and 67% were female. Presenting features were non-specific consisting of cough in 34%, chest infections in 18% and haemoptysis in 11%. A total of 14% were detected on incidental chest film, 30% on computed tomography, 7% on positron-emission tomography/computed tomography and 1% on MRI. |
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43. Chien LH, Chen CH, Chen TY, et al. Predicting Lung Cancer Occurrence in Never-Smoking Females in Asia: TNSF-SQ, a Prediction Model. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 29(2):452-459, 2020 02. |
Observational-Dx |
8283 patients |
To predict Lung Cancer Occurrence in Never-Smoking Females in Asia using TNSF-SQ, a Prediction Model |
The AUC based on the NSFs ages 55 to 70 years in LCPG and TWB2 was 0.714 [95% confidence intervals (CI), 0.660-0.768]. For women in TWB2 ages 55 to 70 years, 3.94% (95% CI, 2.95-5.13) had risk higher than 0.0151. For women in LCPG ages 55 to 74 years, 27.03% (95% CI, 19.04-36.28) had risk higher than 0.0151. |
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44. Lebrett MB, Crosbie EJ, Smith MJ, Woodward ER, Evans DG, Crosbie PAJ. Targeting lung cancer screening to individuals at greatest risk: the role of genetic factors. J Med Genet. 58(4):217-226, 2021 04. |
Review/Other-Dx |
N/A |
To provide an overview of the evidence for LC screening, screening related harms and the use of RPMs in screening cohort selection. It gives a synopsis of the known genetic risk factors for lung cancer and discusses the evidence for including them in RPMs, focusing in particular on the use of polygenic risk scores to increase the accuracy of targeted lung cancer screening. |
No results stated in the abstract. |
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45. Kim HY, Jung KW, Lim KY, et al. Lung Cancer Screening with Low-Dose CT in Female Never Smokers: Retrospective Cohort Study with Long-term National Data Follow-up. Cancer Res. Treat.. 50(3):748-756, 2018 Jul. |
Observational-Dx |
4,365 patients |
To examine whether or not female never smokers really need annual LDCT screening when the initial LDCT showed negative findings. |
After median follow-up of 9.69 years, 22 (0.5%) had lung cancer. Lung cancer incidence for Lung-RADS category 4 was 1,848.4 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1,132.4 to 3,017.2) per 100,000 person-years and 16.4 (95% CI, 7.4 to 36.4) for categories 1, 2, and 3 combined. The cumulative probability of lung cancer for category 4 was 10.6% at 5 years and 14.8% at 10 years while they were 0.07% and 0.17% when categories 1, 2, and 3 were combined. The SIR for subjects with category 4 was 43.80 (95% CI, 25.03 to 71.14), which was much higher than 0.47 (95% CI, 0.17 to 1.02) for categories 1, 2, and 3 combined. |
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46. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Radiation Dose Assessment Introduction. Available at: https://edge.sitecorecloud.io/americancoldf5f-acrorgf92a-productioncb02-3650/media/ACR/Files/Clinical/Appropriateness-Criteria/ACR-Appropriateness-Criteria-Radiation-Dose-Assessment-Introduction.pdf. |
Review/Other-Dx |
N/A |
To provide evidence-based guidelines on exposure of patients to ionizing radiation. |
No abstract available. |
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